Jumat, 10 Juli 2015

Blended Learning


The blended classroom is designed to meet the individual needs of student by allowing teachers to personalize instruction. This strategy can be used for any subject and any grade level. Blended learning combines the learning in classroom with computer. It allows students to work with teachers in school and have online resources at home.

 Three words that are related to blended learning: teacher, classroom, and technology. Blended learning is 
good to be applied in school nowadays. It combines between face to face and online learning. It will help the students to get acquainted with the modern media of learning. School should develop their environment to apply blended learning. It will lead to increase students’ engagement and academic success. Blended learning is also can motivate students to be independent. Students work on projects at home, and in class. In class, they can ask the teacher for help, and continue on the project at home, with online materials for help. By having online materials available, students have access to support when out of the classroom. Students access some material at home and complete some work at home, while leaving more time during class to get into deeper context with the teachers.

Mr. Rudi is applying the blended learning strategy in ICT class. He gives the materials through his blog and he gives the instruction there also. The students follow his instruction and do the activities. He advices his students to be smart in using the computer system. Some techniques to apply blended learning are e-Learning, webinars, classroom, role play, coaching, OTJ, etc. It will be interesting because the students can browse the information from the online system. They will enjoy in learning process.

Sources taken from:





Senin, 20 April 2015




(also called electronic learning) is any type of learning that takes place through or with a computer. E-learning is primarily facilitated through the Internet but can also be accomplished with CD-ROMs and DVDs, streaming audio or video and other media.
The purpose of e-learning is to allow people to learn for personal accomplishment or to earn a professional degree, without physically attending a traditional university or academic setting.
E-learning can be applied for all levels of schooling from grade school to graduate degrees, and is versatile enough to accommodate all learning styles.

Some of the most important developments in education have happened since the launch of the internet.
Because the only requirements for e-learning (in most cases) requires a computer with Internet access or a CD/DVD-ROM drive, e-learning students can learn from home, libraries, Internet cafes or any other location that has Internet access. This is why e-learning is a preferred option for those who work full time or part time and cannot afford to travel to a physical school. The ease of location with e-learning also makes it preferable to stay-at-home parents with young or special-needs children.

In the fast-paced world of e-learning the available technologies to make a course new and exciting are always changing, and course content can and should be updated quickly to give students the very latest information. This is especially important if the e-learning training is being given to employees in a sector where keeping up-to-date on industry developments is of the utmost importance.


There are some advantages of e-learning training includes:

More Flexible – e-learning can be done in short chunks of time that can fit around your daily schedule. Unlike public scheduled and in-house training, you don’t have to dedicate an entire day to the training that has been organised by your company.

Mobile – As e-learning can be done on laptops, tablets and phones – it is a very mobile method. Learning can be done on the train, on a plane or any other time that could normally be wasted. Whilst you used to be confined to the classroom, the whole world can now be your classroom.

No Travel– As just mentioned, e-learning can be done wherever you have a device capable of doing so. Therefore again you can fit it in to your schedule, but also save money on the costs of travel.

Lower cost – As you aren’t using a trainer’s time or any room or equipment, e-learning tends to be the much cheaper option. If you already have a device capable of carrying out the training on, then the savings can be considerable.

Tailor it to you – e-learning courses aren’t confined to be fixed to try and suit the needs of the majority. If you feel you already know a particular area well and don’t need to spend an hour on it again, then you can skim over it and concentrate that time on something you feel you need to work more at. Everyone is able to learn at their own pace – a massive factor that only e-learning can provide for.

Technological Possibilities – e-learning is fast becoming a more and more popular method and with it, so has the investment into how to improve it further. The computer based nature of training means new technology is being introduced all the time to help with the learning.

Global – With very few restrictions companies can be confident that their staff can receive the same content regardless of their location, and in many cases, their nationality.


Yet, there are also some disadvantages of e-learning training to be considered includes:

Lack of Control– Learners with low motivation tend to fall behind when using e-learning as there are no set times to be doing it and they are responsible for the organisation themselves.

Learning Approach – It doesn’t appeal to all learning styles so some learners will not enjoy the experience – especially strong activists and pragmatists. It is still a challenge to make e-learning appeal fully to these groups as different people learn better or worse using different styles.

Isolated – A lot of questions are a lot easily answered when face to face with someone when you can guarantee an instant answer. E-learning often doesn’t allow that with trainers often having to answer numerous questions all of the time and only doing it within working hours – where a lot of learners may prefer to do their learning out of working hours. This feeling of isolation can often demotivate individuals as they feel they don’t have the support and reassurance that the physical presence of a trainer provides.

Technology Issues – With heavy reliance on computers that e-learning brings, comes the potential risks that comes with it. Firstly, you need to ensure that all learners have a device that is able to support the training modules. Some e-learning tools require software such as Flash that devices like iPads don’t support. So all requirements need to be set out at the beginning. Poor internet connection and unavoidable general random faults also can interrupt learning and so need to be planned around.

Computer Competency – Some employees might not be too comfortable using computers, especially if their jobs don’t require them to. Therefore even if the software is user friendly, the very idea of using the software can be daunting and demotivating for some.


Several e-learning trends give us a view to how e-learning and learning tools will be shaped in the future:
Micro-learning focuses on the design of micro-learning activities through micro-steps in digital media environments, which already is a daily reality for today's knowledge workers. These activities can be incorporated into a learner's daily routines. Unlike "traditional" e-learning approaches, micro-learning often tends towards push technology through push media, which reduces the cognitive load on the learners. Therefore, the selection of micro-learning objects and also pace and timing of micro-learning activities are of importance for didactical designs. Micro-learning is an important paradigm shift that avoids the need to have separate learning sessions since the learning process is embedded in the daily routine of the end-user. It is also perfectly suited for mobile devices where long courses can be overkill.

Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in a non-game context to engage users and solve problems.

Personalized Learning is the tailoring of pedagogy, curriculum and learning environments to meet the needs and aspirations of individual learners. Personalization is broader than just individualization or differentiation in that it affords the learner a degree of choice about what is learned, when it is learned and how it is learned. This may not indicate unlimited choice since learners will still have targets to be met. However, it may provide learners the opportunity to learn in ways that suit their individual learning styles and multiple intelligences.


Kamis, 02 April 2015

Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL)

Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL)

The world, nowadays starts to use technology in many aspects of life. In school, computer is a tool that is usually used in helping the teacher and the student in teaching and learning process or it is commonly called Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL). Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is defined as "the search for and study of applications of the computer in language teaching and learning." (Levy, 1997: 1) The main aim of CALL is to find ways for using computers for the purpose of teaching and learning the language.

The reasons why ELT teachers use CALL:
  • Computers can do some of the work of the teacher and provide great assistance to the learner even without the presence of the teacher (Pennington and Steven, 1992). 
  • New technologies have seen computers become smaller, faster, and easier for the teacher to use (Evy, 1997). 
  • At present, well-designed CALL software is readily available to the teacher. Technologies allow computers to do multimedia applications, incorporating video, sound, and text, and this capacity allows the learner to interact with both the program and other learners. (Felix, 1998). 
  • The computer offers great flexibility for class scheduling and pacing of individual learning, choosing activities and content to suit individual learning styles. (Oxford and others, 1998) 
  • The computer can provide a meaning-focused, communicative learning environment, which serves the purposes of communicative language teaching.
In CALL itself contain some types of programs that majorly used. Types of CALL Programs CALL programs/materials include (from ICT4LT Module 1.4):
  • CALL-specific software: applications designed to develop and facilitate language learning, such as CD-ROMs, web-based interactive language learning exercises/quizzes (see CD-ROM examples for language learning)
  • Generic software: applications designed for general purposes, such as word-processors (Word), presentation software (PowerPoint, see an e-book made by students "Many Moons"), and spreadsheet (Excel), that can be used to support language learning (see examples of usingExcel for language learning & teaching) *Also see Microsoft Office Online Templates)
  • Web-based learning programs: online dictionaries, online encyclopedias, online concordancers, news/magazine sites, e-texts, web-quests, web publishing, blog, wiki, etc.
  • Computer-mediated communication (CMC) programs: synchronous - online chat; asynchronous - email, discussion forum, message board
By using the CALL programs or softwares, we can conduct many activities that may help the students feel comfortable in learning the material given.
Types of CALL Activities
  • multiple-choice & true/false quizzes 
  • gap-filling exercise/cloze 
  • matching re-ordering/sequencing 
  • crossword puzzles games simulations 
  • writing & word-processing 
  • concordancing web quests/searching web publishing
  • online communication (synchronous and asynchronous) 
In language learning and teaching, computer, however has useful role to accompany the teacher and also the students. Roles of the Computer in language learning and teaching:
  • computer as tutor for language drills or skill practice
  • computer as a tool for writing, presenting, and researching
  • computer as a medium of global communication 
Moreoever, there are also the way how the teachers use the computer as effective as possible in Language Class by doing some of this ways:
1) Teaching with one computer in the class 
  • delivery of content (PowerPoint, word-processor, Webpages, etc.)
  • classroom activities/discussions mediated by the computer
  • Interactive whiteboard 
2) Teaching in the computer network room (network-based language teaching)
  • task-based group work /activities 
  • computer-mediated communication (CMC): asynchronous/synchronous 
  • tandem learning 
3) Self-access learning (independent learning)
  • drills and exercises 
  • word processing
  • resource searching 
4) Distance learning (i.e. individual learners working by themselves, at a place and time of their choice and, to some extent, at a pace and in an order also chosen by themselves.)
  • delivering online course content
  • CMC activities: email, discussion forum, chat rooms
  • tandem learning
  • community building 

But first, we have to consider about the principles which should be complete in order to make all of the CALL activities conducted well.
Principles of Using and Designing CALL Programs in Language Learning and Teaching
  1. student/learner-centeredness (to promote learner autonomy)
  2. meaningful purpose 
  3. comprehensive input
  4. sufficient level of stimulation (cognitively and affectively)
  5. multiple modalities (to support various learning styles and strategies)
  6. high level of interaction (human-machine and human-human)
CALL can be the fun way to conduct class and deliver the material of language learner; and also can help the students understand more because the programs that CALL has been provided to support the language class activities. 


Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

ICT Tools, Roles, and Applications

ICT Tools, Roles, and Applications

ICT in Education

Education is one of the important aspect in our life, especially in modern life nowadays. It holds the key to the continued growth and prosperity. Well educated people are equipped with knowledge and skill that will run the world well. Modernity force the people to use technology in almost all of domains, including education. Hence, many schools have used the ICT (Information, Communication, and technology) as a very helpful tool to conduct education for students or the teachers to face the world.

Many research shown that ICT can improve the students learning and also the way the teachers teach, especially in terms of "Knowledge-Comprehension", "Practical skill", and "Presentation skill". It has the potential to meet the needs of individual student by providing opportunities to direct their learning, to pursue information, or complete tasks. Moreover, ICT is becoming the new way of teaching in school so the students are not bored with the traditional way of teaching.

Using ICT as a classroom tool has many other benefits because ICT:
  • provides highly motivational activities for students. Computer-based activities can make the students curious in following the lesson
  • makes complex tasks more manageable
  • makes repetitive tasks more interesting
  • illustrates complex processes or concepts
  • provides access to many online resources for learning
  • can make the class more interactive and enjoyable.
The use of well-designed ICT environments can help students grasp abstract concepts such as imagery, literary relations, and morphology.

Educational ICT tools can be divided into three categories, input source, output source, and others.

In teaching language, especially English, ICT will help much the students in getting the learning materials. It will also improve and develop their writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills, because ICT provide many software or hardware that support them. Furthermore, ICT also support collaboration, creativity, independent learning and reflection. (Becta,2003a, Becta2003b, VTC,2003) (cited in Becta 2005).

As an interactive and collaborative medium, ICT allows responding, composing, and publication to be shared easily, and also offers the opportunity for students to explore the information creatively. ICT can enable the students to:
  • access information and respond to a widening range of texts
  • organise and present information in a variety of forms
  • broaden the range of audiences for their work
  • compose a widening range of texts for a broad range of purposes
  • compose for real audiences. ICT can support them in their choice of genre for audience and purpose
  • identify key characteristics and features of text
  • develop understanding of language and critical literacy (Becta,2006,ICT in the Curriculum)

ICT can also be applied in assessment. Teachers who use the ICT in assessment would be easily, for example score the students work massively. It will help to reach authentic results. An assessment schedule could for example include the following:

Basic Technical skills
  • Composing: a checklist of basic technical skills such as the ability to use certain hardware, such as a digital camera; or software such as word processing, email, publishing packages, Powerpoint, Photostory, or Moviemaker. 
  • Responding: a checklist of basic "reading" skills / cyberspace navigation skills for examples hyperlinks, icons, site maps, etc.
  • Research / cyberexploration skills: for example using a searchengine, locating specific information on the web. 
Literacy skills
  • Responding: A knowledge and understanding of the distinctive features of multimedia texts like the relationship between visual text, written text, and design layout.
  • Composing: The application of this knowledge and understanding of the distinctive features of multimedia texts to the composition of such texts for a range of audiences and purposes.
Critical Literacy skills
  • An understanding of how the composer's choices of representational medium (text, image, sound, multimedia), transitional mode (print, electronic, spoken), position the reader, gives the text authority, conveys values and meaning
Many tools/programs/applications that may help the teachers and students in conducting the interactive and enjoyable atmosphere in classroom for example Wallwisher, Prezi, Animoto, Wordle, Storybird and etc (http://www.pcpro.co.uk/features/372979/10-free-online-tools-for-teaching-and-learning)
Wallwisher allows users to build virtual classroom Walls, in the sense you might be familiar with from Facebook, onto which 160-character messages, web links, images, videos and audio may be posted. Individuals can use it to mind-map, keep notes, or bookmark useful websites - but the real power of Wallwisher is in its potential for collaborative activities.
By sharing your wall URL with a class, whole year group, or even an entire school, anybody you choose is able to view and contribute to it. 

Prezi is an online presentation tool such as powerpoint but have more interactive presentation features. Prezi is a sure-fire way to cure your classroom of PowerPoint fatigue. The finished product is leaps and bounds ahead of PowerPoint in terms of style, engaging the attention of pupils who groan with over-familiarity at seeing cheesy slide transitions on the whiteboard. it's one example of a free on line tool where novelty adds value.

Animoto is a video-creation tool that teachers and pupils can use to make dynamic videos, either for the classroom, VLE or for special school events such as parents' evenings and open days. Upload images, text, video and music, and Animoto will automatically composite your ingredients, creating a fluid video presentation in minutes.

Wordle is another of those tools that may have begun life as an online novelty, but which canny teachers have since co-opted for use in the classroom. You'll no doubt have encountered Wordle clouds before; those intriguing little bundles of various-sized words visually showing which terms are the most frequently used in a section of text.

Storybird is a gorgeous tool, with a range of practical applications from Key Stage 1 and 2 Literacy, to Key Stage 3 lCT, Key Stage 5 Modem Foreign Languages and beyond. lt makes available hundreds of high-quality artist illustrations in a range of styles, which pupils can use to illustrate their own ebook.
Creative, descriptive, and persuasive writing activities can be set for pupils, who can work collaboratively or individually, then "publish" their finished work to a small group, the whole class, or even to the on line public. It's the teacher's choice.
Technology is a great invention in the world. We should use it well to make our life better by applying it in almost all of our life domains. The combination of technology and education will make another enjoyable variation of teaching and learning process so that it won't be monotonous. Hence, it is very important for us to know and use ICT for our betterment.

Sourches :