Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

ICT Tools, Roles, and Applications

ICT Tools, Roles, and Applications

ICT in Education

Education is one of the important aspect in our life, especially in modern life nowadays. It holds the key to the continued growth and prosperity. Well educated people are equipped with knowledge and skill that will run the world well. Modernity force the people to use technology in almost all of domains, including education. Hence, many schools have used the ICT (Information, Communication, and technology) as a very helpful tool to conduct education for students or the teachers to face the world.

Many research shown that ICT can improve the students learning and also the way the teachers teach, especially in terms of "Knowledge-Comprehension", "Practical skill", and "Presentation skill". It has the potential to meet the needs of individual student by providing opportunities to direct their learning, to pursue information, or complete tasks. Moreover, ICT is becoming the new way of teaching in school so the students are not bored with the traditional way of teaching.

Using ICT as a classroom tool has many other benefits because ICT:
  • provides highly motivational activities for students. Computer-based activities can make the students curious in following the lesson
  • makes complex tasks more manageable
  • makes repetitive tasks more interesting
  • illustrates complex processes or concepts
  • provides access to many online resources for learning
  • can make the class more interactive and enjoyable.
The use of well-designed ICT environments can help students grasp abstract concepts such as imagery, literary relations, and morphology.

Educational ICT tools can be divided into three categories, input source, output source, and others.
In teaching language, especially English, ICT will help much the students in getting the learning materials. It will also improve and develop their writing, reading, speaking, and listening skills, because ICT provide many software or hardware that support them. Furthermore, ICT also support collaboration, creativity, independent learning and reflection. (Becta,2003a, Becta2003b, VTC,2003) (cited in Becta 2005).

As an interactive and collaborative medium, ICT allows responding, composing, and publication to be shared easily, and also offers the opportunity for students to explore the information creatively. ICT can enable the students to:
  • access information and respond to a widening range of texts
  • organise and present information in a variety of forms
  • broaden the range of audiences for their work
  • compose a widening range of texts for a broad range of purposes
  • compose for real audiences. ICT can support them in their choice of genre for audience and purpose
  • identify key characteristics and features of text
  • develop understanding of language and critical literacy (Becta,2006,ICT in the Curriculum)

ICT can also be applied in assessment. Teachers who use the ICT in assessment would be easily, for example score the students work massively. It will help to reach authentic results. An assessment schedule could for example include the following:

Basic Technical skills
  • Composing: a checklist of basic technical skills such as the ability to use certain hardware, such as a digital camera; or software such as word processing, email, publishing packages, Powerpoint, Photostory, or Moviemaker. 
  • Responding: a checklist of basic "reading" skills / cyberspace navigation skills for examples hyperlinks, icons, site maps, etc.
  • Research / cyberexploration skills: for example using a searchengine, locating specific information on the web. 
Literacy skills
  • Responding: A knowledge and understanding of the distinctive features of multimedia texts like the relationship between visual text, written text, and design layout.
  • Composing: The application of this knowledge and understanding of the distinctive features of multimedia texts to the composition of such texts for a range of audiences and purposes.
Critical Literacy skills
  • An understanding of how the composer's choices of representational medium (text, image, sound, multimedia), transitional mode (print, electronic, spoken), position the reader, gives the text authority, conveys values and meaning
Many tools/programs/applications that may help the teachers and students in conducting the interactive and enjoyable atmosphere in classroom for example Wallwisher, Prezi, Animoto, Wordle, Storybird and etc (
Wallwisher allows users to build virtual classroom Walls, in the sense you might be familiar with from Facebook, onto which 160-character messages, web links, images, videos and audio may be posted. Individuals can use it to mind-map, keep notes, or bookmark useful websites - but the real power of Wallwisher is in its potential for collaborative activities.
By sharing your wall URL with a class, whole year group, or even an entire school, anybody you choose is able to view and contribute to it. 

Prezi is an online presentation tool such as powerpoint but have more interactive presentation features. Prezi is a sure-fire way to cure your classroom of PowerPoint fatigue. The finished product is leaps and bounds ahead of PowerPoint in terms of style, engaging the attention of pupils who groan with over-familiarity at seeing cheesy slide transitions on the whiteboard. it's one example of a free on line tool where novelty adds value.

Animoto is a video-creation tool that teachers and pupils can use to make dynamic videos, either for the classroom, VLE or for special school events such as parents' evenings and open days. Upload images, text, video and music, and Animoto will automatically composite your ingredients, creating a fluid video presentation in minutes.

Wordle is another of those tools that may have begun life as an online novelty, but which canny teachers have since co-opted for use in the classroom. You'll no doubt have encountered Wordle clouds before; those intriguing little bundles of various-sized words visually showing which terms are the most frequently used in a section of text.

Storybird is a gorgeous tool, with a range of practical applications from Key Stage 1 and 2 Literacy, to Key Stage 3 lCT, Key Stage 5 Modem Foreign Languages and beyond. lt makes available hundreds of high-quality artist illustrations in a range of styles, which pupils can use to illustrate their own ebook.
Creative, descriptive, and persuasive writing activities can be set for pupils, who can work collaboratively or individually, then "publish" their finished work to a small group, the whole class, or even to the on line public. It's the teacher's choice.
Technology is a great invention in the world. We should use it well to make our life better by applying it in almost all of our life domains. The combination of technology and education will make another enjoyable variation of teaching and learning process so that it won't be monotonous. Hence, it is very important for us to know and use ICT for our betterment.

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